Second Assignment: Picture Two

For this second image, I tried to keep things simple yet very noticeable. The original photo was taken by my sister of me throwing a bowling ball to the pins. I like this picture for several reasons;

1: lines/ Direction: This picture give the viewer where to look, The lines and the lane on the floor give the viewers leading lines.

2: Movement: The bowling ball conveys strong sense of movement, in a manner you look into the bowling ball gaze which reinforcement the sense of movement. Good photo leaves something for the imagination.

3. Softness: My body and my figure shadow counter-interact with the two points I mention above which singular the attention.

After evaluated the picture I decided to explore number 3 since it differentiates no.2, no3.


Here is my final edit of the work.

The pink shadow

As you can see I did some editing prior to the original one.

  1. I crop the image off a little bit so I can adjust the composition of the rule of third, plus the viewer doesn’t have to squint to find the attraction (My body and the shadow).
  2. I add a warming photo filter (vermilion) and reduce the opacity.
  3. Add a shadow and color in them. I decided to add pink color into the shadow because it gives the viewer an eye path, catch that eyes attention as I don’t want the viewer to wander around.

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